Yooooo, my brain is trying its hardest to go depressive, so give me all your ridiculous depression cures and remedies. They can be ones you genuinely believe in, or ones that people who know nothing about you or your condition insist will work if you just try them!

Let's goooooooo!

#bipolar #cureEvangelism


@pjf in this meta-review walking or jogging have the largest effect against depression, and the error bars don't even cross into null hypothesis territory (i.e. very likely a real effect).



Further down in the paper is stunning data showing dancing outperforms everything else against depression, but they don't include it, presumably because the n is small.

Exercise generally is a v powerful medicine no drug company will shill for.

Best of luck!

@chris @pjf so much this and +1 can confirm dancing classes double plus good

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