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Worklog: spent all day repeatedly trying to shepherd my focus back to an unpleasant modification to the Melody Generator codebase (i.e. a hack) which will enable the "multiple simultaneous melodies" feature. Been avoiding this change for 3 years. 😅

Worklog: spent a couple of days working on Melody Generator save functionality.

Worklog: (Monday) Experimenting with generating and auto-slicing game assets. Not entirely sure where this is going but it's fun to tinker with.

gameboy formfactor raspberry pi zero running custom mod tracker live performance software (python + pure data) playing an impulse tracker module and toggling channels on and off.

Wow, has reached half a million visitors in one year! Almost all of these visitors are using the Melody Generator:

It's humbling to have my little music tool born of roots used by so many people.

You know that amazing startup idea you have? I'm working on a site to help you test if anyone wants it. It's a simple landing page generator and this is the PoC. The final product will be hosted, collect signups for you, and give you analytics.

[built with and Sitefox]

My second app of 2023 is in progress. It's a piano you can play with your thumbs. You'll be able to loop it in time with your pocket operator. Built with (script).

✅️ Tropical paradise.
✅️ Webaudio API.
✅️ ClojureScript.

Pocket synthesizer dev heaven. 😍

[Social media reality check: broken bathroom tap, kid upset about no chicken nuggets, loud neighbours 😅]

Now it's time for marketing my new app. Got this GitHub ticket I'm definitely going to get started on right away with no delay or hesitation. Not going to procrastinate on these items for days and days. Gonna get stuck right into them any minute now. 😅

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PO Sync free sync app for Android & Apple, has been now been submitted both stores. \o/

Just gotta wait for both to pass review. Super excited to get this out there!

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!