Worklog: finished the day tinkering with this HTML, SVG, and CSS progress timer thing.

Worklog: finally solved a tricky UI problem today in Beat Maker. I want to give people a good experience editing on any device but the full grid doesn't always fit. 🤔
1. Resize observer on the grid.
2. On resize, make all beats display for an instant and then measure how many are visible in the scroll area, then set their display back to what it was before.
3. Find the next lowest power of two beats that will fit, and divide the grid up into pages of that size.

Worklog: trying to come up with a better UI for the Beat Maker grid on mobile devices. Over the summer I realized the scrollbars hack I came up with is not going to work.

I'm speaking at Heart of Clojure on September 18 & 19 in Leuven, Belgium. 🧇 You can use this link for 10% off the ticket price (10 slots available). Enjoy!

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