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Worklog: Dopeloop sales page updates and new deployment.

🦊 Sitefox release v0.0.19
ClojureScript web backend library.

This release contains all the updates made during Q1 2024 funding. I'm very grateful for the support!

- e2e testing for major components.
- Updated dependencies and replaced deprected ones.
- Improved db layer.
- Tutorials & docs.

Worklog: finished getting Sitefox shadow-cljs tests working and wrote an update for .

Worklog: writing and shooting a Sitefox tutorial video the last couple of days to finish off the funding period.

@simon this is great! People looking for a standalone pure-shell version might also enjoy aish: 😁

@0atman exactly right. given the arrow of time it makes sense to set things up so you're aligned with its direction rather than working against it.

Worklog: 💲 updated `aish` over the weekend. It's a small shell script to help you with command line tasks (using the ChatGPT API).

- Send a request directly from the terminal.
- See the suggested command.
- Edit it before running, or discard it.

Has saved me a lot of time.

Worklog: Dopeloop testimonials carousel design. Hosted Gitea admin tasks, support, upgrades. More work on Sitefox Db layer thanks to funding!

Worklog for last week.
- dopeloop pricing page research and collating user testimonials
- transcript generator importing old analytics

Worklog: completely rebuilt the sign up and subscribe flow on at the end of last week.

Sitefox work today and some Transcript Generator tweaks.

Worklog: finished the week with Sitefox security work and more melody generator fixes.

Worklog: back on app dev. Made good progress today. Aiming to launch Beat Maker soon.

@estark thank you for throwing light on this! 🙏 As a web app dev I just wish there was a simple way I could sign a bundle of resources as a package (not tied to a domain) so users could tell it's my build.

More on E2EE apps for the web: is the web really that bad for E2EE compared to mobile/native? And some (IMO) unappreciated challenges in bridging the gaps

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