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@danstowell I'm not sure of the answer to either of those questions yet but I really appreciate them! 🙏

gameboy formfactor raspberry pi zero running custom mod tracker live performance software (python + pure data) playing an impulse tracker module and toggling channels on and off.

Working on a big update to melody generator today.

- Fix iOS looping.
- Fix MIDI export loop issues.
- Fix overlapping notes issue.
- Upgraded various deps (React, Reagent, midi-writer).
- Switch to rendered loop based playback.
- Build fixes.
- Fix metronome icon.

"I’m fooling around not doing anything, which probably means that this is a creative period, although of course you don’t know until afterwards. I think that it is very important to be idle. So I am not ashamed of being idle." –Freeman Dyson
(via @yaxu & @FoAM) updates on Friday/Saturday:

- Upgraded all boxes to 1.19.3
- Show disk usage on account page.
- Notify admin (me) when Gitea version bumps.
- Hardened firewall on all boxes.
- Fixed weird DNS issue.
- Improved first login experience.
- Documentation.

Updated this week - fixing UI bugs with numeric input, button states, slider layout.

You're in good company.

> I find it frustrating that some frontend Javascript libraries require that you use a build system.

> I really, really dislike having to use a local build script when I’m working with JavaScript code.
RT @lisperati
I miss the olden days of browser javascript before nodejs/browserify/webpack

You would just include a library by writing

<script src="library.js"></script>…

This is an proof of concept. It takes a JSON data structure with b64 samples + note position data and outputs a Protracker .mod file and renders a wav file using libOpenMPT. Next step: build some generators to create track data algorithmically.

Morning: tinkering with algotracker (algorithmic tracker module generator).
Afternoon: working on the Joplin notebook web publishing plugin.

Wow, has reached half a million visitors in one year! Almost all of these visitors are using the Melody Generator:

It's humbling to have my little music tool born of roots used by so many people.

Started building a new micro-business a couple of days ago. It's a web publishing plugin for a popular open source note outliner. Going well so far!

Pushed a bunch of performance enhancements to after I saw some storage related tracebacks come through from the server.

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