Show newer has paying customers now and so I am going to invest more time into improving it. I'm currently looking for feedback to help focus on the highest impact changes. If you're up for trying it out and giving me feedback please DM me and I'll send you a coupon for a month of free usage of the video summarization AI feature. Thanks!

Worklog: Dopeloop sales page updates and new deployment.

🦊 Sitefox release v0.0.19
ClojureScript web backend library.

This release contains all the updates made during Q1 2024 funding. I'm very grateful for the support!

- e2e testing for major components.
- Updated dependencies and replaced deprected ones.
- Improved db layer.
- Tutorials & docs.

Worklog: finished getting Sitefox shadow-cljs tests working and wrote an update for .

Worklog: writing and shooting a Sitefox tutorial video the last couple of days to finish off the funding period.

@simon this is great! People looking for a standalone pure-shell version might also enjoy aish: 😁

@0atman exactly right. given the arrow of time it makes sense to set things up so you're aligned with its direction rather than working against it.

Worklog: 💲 updated `aish` over the weekend. It's a small shell script to help you with command line tasks (using the ChatGPT API).

- Send a request directly from the terminal.
- See the suggested command.
- Edit it before running, or discard it.

Has saved me a lot of time.

Worklog: Dopeloop testimonials carousel design. Hosted Gitea admin tasks, support, upgrades. More work on Sitefox Db layer thanks to funding!

Worklog for last week.
- dopeloop pricing page research and collating user testimonials
- transcript generator importing old analytics

Worklog: completely rebuilt the sign up and subscribe flow on at the end of last week.

Sitefox work today and some Transcript Generator tweaks.

Worklog: finished the week with Sitefox security work and more melody generator fixes.

Worklog: back on app dev. Made good progress today. Aiming to launch Beat Maker soon.

@estark thank you for throwing light on this! 🙏 As a web app dev I just wish there was a simple way I could sign a bundle of resources as a package (not tied to a domain) so users could tell it's my build.

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