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“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open.” 🔥 Martha Graham
(via the inimitable @0atman)

Worklog: busy week hacking on projects.

🌲 Lots of support for a large customer working with Gitea Actions.
💳 Tweaks to the Melody Generator subscription pipeline.
🎨 Started building a style guide / component whatsit for

🦊 Sitefox (Script) web backend library v0.0.18 is out.
Upgraded node passport library to fix auth and session issues.

tfw the beat drops at the same moment all your tests pass in the test rig you spent several days getting set up to test a lib change and it works first time. 😤

Worklog: upgraded Gitea on all machines this week + doing some support.

Been doing some analytics on anonymous data.

* 2,500+ people have downloaded more than 10 procedurally generated MIDI files.
* Some people have generated more than 1,000 melodies.
* Many sessions last days and days over a period of several months.

It's a nice feeling to know people are finding this software useful!

Working on mostly wrangling analytics today. Also started working on a dark mode which I might make the new default.

Also got drum sound classification working using a bayesian classifier. 😤 🥁

Slicing up drum samples with librosa + a little data science help from a large language model.

🎉I'm excited to announce the launch of new capacity tiers on

💾 You can now get up to 160Gb for your Git LFS models or assets!

Today I finally finished the implementation of storage tiers on 😤 Will deploy and launch tomorrow. 🙌

Worklog: so far this week I've been hacking on some stuff and some some code (generating drum loops). Today I am finishing a talk about for JS GameDev summit 2023.

Worklog: spent the remainder of the week continuing work on new storage tiers for to enable larger LFS usage. The new tiers are taking much longer than I expected to implement. Hopefully it will be done next week.

Worklog: Later this week I started building new tiers with extra storage for I also hacked on my tiny browser game engine a fair bit, which I'm hoping to release soon.

Worklog: monitoring. Then tinkering on a tiny web game engine

Worklog: spent the whole day on under-the-hood improvements to \o/
Evening learning how to write Vim plugins.

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