Worklog: converted back to a completely free and open source project that anybody can use online to animate SVGs. 🎉
Worklog: This week I decided to take another crack at getting to market (i.e. implementing subscriptions). I didn't quite get there but made good progress.
I am pretty sure I will get subscriptions live this week. Traffic and usage of the site & AI features has been consistent. Some people seem to find it useful. I'm looking forward to seeing how it performs as a paid product.
I hope to retain my moral compass somehow, despite building an LLM based subscription product.
Worklog: took a break from Beat Maker last week to hack on some 🌲 essential fixes.
📼 Started implementing subscriptions & analytics on which has been getting a fair bit of traffic, but it was slow going and I didn't really get anywhere. Not very motivated to work on it.
🤓 Also tinkered with some algorithmic tracker module code which was the most fun.
🥁 Back to Beat Maker this week.
Worklog: fixed a provisioning bug on and tightened up security.
I can't seem to capture a screencast without audio glitches when generating, but the app itself has no such artifacts.
Bootstrapping and convexity. Re-posting this as it's in the zeitgeist now.
This thing is insane genius.
Worklog: upgraded Gitea on all machines. Added a new DNS monitoring script. Improved validation on signup form.
Worklog: yet more work on the UI components for Started building a new Dopeloop app too.
Worklog: 🎛️ continuing UI component development this week.
“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open.” 🔥 Martha Graham
(via the inimitable @0atman)
Worklog: busy week hacking on projects.
🌲 Lots of support for a large customer working with Gitea Actions.
💳 Tweaks to the Melody Generator subscription pipeline.
🎨 Started building a style guide / component whatsit for
🦊 Sitefox #Clojure(Script) web backend library v0.0.18 is out.
Upgraded node passport library to fix auth and session issues.
independent computer programming