@simon your blog and feeds on new AI developments continue to be an incredibly useful as a way to stay up to date. Thank you for sharing!
I don't suppose you have a post or concise document anywhere summarizing which tools and plugins you are currently using and for what?
Worklog: starting to settle in to London and finally getting some work done again - 3.5km walk each morning to get both kids to school notwithstanding!
Managed to move https://transcriptgenerator.com forward a bit in the last couple of weeks. Hope to have the subscription version of this live before the end of the month, do a bit of marketing, and then I can refocus back on other projects.
"The diagrams and the whole business that I got the Nobel Prize for came from that piddling around with the wobbling plate."
-- Richard Feynman
https://twiiit.com is back. I unbroke the instance verifier at 11,500 meters over Iran. 🕊️
Worklog: converted https://svgflipbook.com back to a completely free and open source project that anybody can use online to animate SVGs. 🎉
Worklog: This week I decided to take another crack at getting https://transcriptgenerator.com to market (i.e. implementing subscriptions). I didn't quite get there but made good progress.
I am pretty sure I will get subscriptions live this week. Traffic and usage of the site & AI features has been consistent. Some people seem to find it useful. I'm looking forward to seeing how it performs as a paid product.
I hope to retain my moral compass somehow, despite building an LLM based subscription product.
Worklog: took a break from Beat Maker last week to hack on some 🌲 https://hostedgitea.com essential fixes.
📼 Started implementing subscriptions & analytics on https://transcriptgenerator.com which has been getting a fair bit of traffic, but it was slow going and I didn't really get anywhere. Not very motivated to work on it.
🤓 Also tinkered with some algorithmic tracker module code which was the most fun.
🥁 Back to Beat Maker this week.
Worklog: fixed a provisioning bug on https://hostedgitea.com and tightened up security.
I can't seem to capture a screencast without audio glitches when generating, but the app itself has no such artifacts.
Bootstrapping and convexity. Re-posting this as it's in the zeitgeist now.
This thing is insane genius.
Worklog: upgraded Gitea on all https://hostedgitea.com machines. Added a new DNS monitoring script. Improved validation on signup form.
independent computer programming